You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 22, 2023

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Review and apply your learning


Here’s what else to consider

You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? Online learning can be a great way to acquire new skills, boost your resume, and stay ahead of the curve. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right ones for your goals and needs? Here are some tips to help you navigate the online course landscape and find the best fit for you.

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  • Lauren McGoodwin Founder @ Career Contessa | Content Marketing | Thought Leadership | Storyteller | Brand + Content Strategy | Talent…

    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (3) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (4) 8

  • Tanique Easy Career and Life Purpose Consultant: Supporting Women In Mid-to-Senior Level Management to Boost Their Confidence By…

    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (6) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (7) 3

  • You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (9) 2

You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (10) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (11) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (12)

1 Define your objectives

Before you start browsing online courses, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Do you want to learn a specific skill, such as coding, design, or marketing? Do you want to earn a credential, such as a certificate, diploma, or degree? Do you want to explore a new field, or deepen your existing knowledge? Having a clear objective will help you narrow down your options and focus on the most relevant and valuable courses for your career.

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  • Lauren McGoodwin Founder @ Career Contessa | Content Marketing | Thought Leadership | Storyteller | Brand + Content Strategy | Talent Brand Marketing
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    To understand which online courses are worth your time, consider how the course gets you closer to your learning/career goals. Also, understand what are your internal motivators behind wanting to take a class. If you're being forced/assigned and have no interest in the topic, it's safe to say you won't find it worth your time. If you're trying to focus on a skill (i.e. Excel) that will help you be more efficient at your job, it's best to get clear on what part of Excel should you focus on learning first. Get dialed in on the micro-skills/learning you want to accomplish to help you find the right course, delivered in the right format for you, and helps you make progress on your goals.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (21) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (22) 8

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    To answer below questions may help to define the objectives:- Imagine you have reached your career goal. What person you are then? What qualifications do you have? Make list.- What barriers are now blocking your career progress? What type of learning can minimize them?- Consider your strengths. How you can maximize them through passing a course to be more productive and have better performance?- If you want to decide on changing your career, is there any online course to give you a taste of your next career plan?Consider that such coaching questions are defined to make your objectives clearer without making any direction or bias. It is vital to know why you are going to invest on online training.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (31) 1


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2 Research the providers

Not all online courses are created equal. Some are offered by reputable universities, colleges, or organizations, while others are produced by individuals or companies with questionable credentials. You want to make sure that the provider of the online course is credible, reputable, and recognized by employers or industry associations. You can research the provider by checking their website, reviews, testimonials, accreditations, and affiliations. You can also look for indicators of quality, such as the qualifications of the instructors, the curriculum, the learning outcomes, and the feedback mechanisms.

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    You can make three types of course validation:Provider Validation: Sometimes one provider is most times providing the best courses. For instance, HBS probably does not compromise the Harvard's brand to provide low quality courses. So knowing the course provider is a well known institute can help very much.Teacher Validation: Can Charles Darwin mess up the Biology class? He will not! Sometimes knowing that a course teacher is a high-level teacher and very well-educated and capable of teaching is enough to buy an online course. I would be more than glad if I could learn psychoanalytics from C.G. Jung himself.Content Validation: Finally you are familiar with the subject and can simply assess the course table of contents and validate.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (40) 1

  • David Escotto Orozco Área Manager Andalucía en Grupo Crit. Especialización en Outsourcing y RRHH, búsqueda de soluciones empresariales y planificación. Consultor y formador de empresas. Gerencia y dirección de equipos de Automoción
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    En suma, en efecto, existen multitud de empresas o profesionales que ofrecen cursos de calidad y actualizados pero al mismo tiempo también existen cursos que no están actualizados, no ofrecen una capacitación real, no tiene validez profesional y lo que es peor, no vas a conseguir formarte y aprender con ilusión a través de profesionales. Investiga antes de comenzar, analiza quién imparte y el que, sus temarios, actualizaciones y veracidad así como validez de tu inversión personal y profesional.



    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (49) 1


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3 Compare the formats

Online courses can vary widely in terms of format, duration, flexibility, and interaction. Some are self-paced, meaning you can access the materials and complete the assignments at your own convenience. Others are cohort-based, meaning you have to follow a schedule and interact with other learners and instructors. Some are synchronous, meaning you have to attend live sessions or webinars at a specific time. Others are asynchronous, meaning you can watch recorded videos or lectures anytime. Some are free, while others require a fee or a subscription. You need to compare the formats of the online courses and see which one suits your learning style, availability, and budget.

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    Look for courses that offer interactive elements such as quizzes, projects, and discussions. Practical application of knowledge is crucial for skill development.

  • David Escotto Orozco Área Manager Andalucía en Grupo Crit. Especialización en Outsourcing y RRHH, búsqueda de soluciones empresariales y planificación. Consultor y formador de empresas. Gerencia y dirección de equipos de Automoción
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    En este punto comparto toda la explicación anterior. Lo primero que debemos hacernos es una serie de preguntas como:1.- de que tiempo dispongo?2.- puedo asistir personalmente?3.-soy de interactuar, me gusta preguntar y analizar en grupo?4.-de que presupuesto parto y podría llegar?5.-mi aprendizaje anterior y exitoso se ha basado en algún tipo de impartición concreta?6.-puedo estar supeditado a un horario establecido o solo podré hacerlo a horas despectivas?Estas preguntas son varias de las cuales debemos hacernos para tomar esa decisión tan importante



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4 Check the requirements

Before you enroll in an online course, you need to make sure that you meet the requirements and expectations. Some online courses may have prerequisites, such as prior knowledge, skills, or qualifications. Some may require you to have certain equipment, software, or internet connection. Some may have deadlines, assessments, or projects that you have to complete. Some may have certificates or badges that you can earn or display. You need to check the requirements of the online course and see if you can fulfill them and benefit from them.

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  • Abhishek Kumar S. Adventurous Quantum Explorer | Unleashing the Power of AatmanirBharata! 🚀#ExploringNewFrontiers
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    One thing I've found helpful when checking the requirements for an online course is to carefully review the course description, rating, review and syllabus. This will give you a clear understanding of the prerequisites, equipment, software, and any other specific requirements. If there are any doubts or questions, it's always a good idea to reach out to the course instructor or the course provider for clarification. They can provide you with the necessary information and guidance to ensure that you meet the requirements and can fully benefit from the course. It's better to be well-prepared and confident before enrolling in an online course.

  • David Escotto Orozco Área Manager Andalucía en Grupo Crit. Especialización en Outsourcing y RRHH, búsqueda de soluciones empresariales y planificación. Consultor y formador de empresas. Gerencia y dirección de equipos de Automoción
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    Totalmente de acuerdo. Hay que analizar los requisitos previos así como la titulación, diploma o acreditación que pudiera necesitar. Si una o varias de estas partes no las verificó con anterioridad, no lograremos lo que buscamos, necesitamos o requerimos en el curso elegido.



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5 Seek feedback and support

One of the challenges of online learning is that you may feel isolated or overwhelmed. That's why it's important to seek feedback and support from your instructors, peers, mentors, or coaches. You can use the online platforms, forums, chats, or emails to communicate with them, ask questions, share insights, or request help. You can also join online communities, groups, or networks related to your course topic or industry. You can also seek feedback and support from your employer, colleagues, friends, or family. They can help you stay motivated, accountable, and on track with your online learning goals.

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    Not all learners thrive in the same environment, so understanding the course structure, flexibility, and interaction styles is vital. It's about finding the format that aligns with your learning style, schedule, and budget.Online learning can be isolating, and having a support system keeps you motivated and on track. Engaging with instructors, joining communities, and involving friends and family in your learning journey can make all the difference.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (90) 1

  • David Escotto Orozco Área Manager Andalucía en Grupo Crit. Especialización en Outsourcing y RRHH, búsqueda de soluciones empresariales y planificación. Consultor y formador de empresas. Gerencia y dirección de equipos de Automoción
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    Hay que tener en cuenta y tratar de conocer antes los distintos grupos o foros. Por lo general, la mayor parte de los comentarios que las personas hacen son negativas. Bajo este estado de enfado o desilusión, es cuando por lo general, ocupamos el tiempo para exponer nuestras quejas y lo que venga bien en el afán de que la mayor parte de personas posibles se enteren de nuestra disconformidad, llevemos o no razón. Por esta razón, debemos buscar aquellos foros, redes sociales y comentarios veraces, tanto positivos o negativos, pero con criterio, mayoría y documentados.



6 Review and apply your learning

The ultimate goal of online learning is to apply your new skills and knowledge to your career. That's why you need to review and apply your learning regularly and consistently. You can use the online course materials, quizzes, exercises, or projects to review and reinforce your learning. You can also use online tools, resources, or portfolios to showcase your learning. You can also use your learning to improve your performance, solve problems, create value, or innovate at your work. You can also use your learning to update your resume, LinkedIn profile, or personal brand.

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    I would put the opportunities the course offers to apply the learning and get feedback at the top of the list when you’re evaluating options.At the end of the day, knowledge doesn’t do much for you if you haven’t converted it to actionable skills, and building skills requires opportunity to apply them.This means look for application that goes beyond a quiz. Even though a well structured quiz can create opportunity to apply critical thinking, it still won’t be sticky until you actually practice doing whatever it is you’re learning.The good news is, generative AI is making these opportunities much more scalable, so we can expect to see more and more of them in online learning programs.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (107) 1


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    While I wholeheartedly support continuous learning in all its forms, from reading to formal education and beyond, it's also important to consider whether additional learning is truly necessary. Often, we may lean on acquiring the next course, qualification, or certification as a form of procrastination or to avoid taking a more challenging and uncomfortable leap forward. We might believe that further study will compensate for our self-doubt or lack of confidence. Therefore, while it's essential to continue your education and learning, always reflect on your motivations. Are you pursuing this out of fear and scarcity, or is it genuinely for the love of professional and career growth?


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (116) 2

  • Tanique Easy Career and Life Purpose Consultant: Supporting Women In Mid-to-Senior Level Management to Boost Their Confidence By 100% So That They Can Pursue Their Dream Career
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    Assess the career trajectory that you want to take, then go deeper into why you want to move into that career path. As you make your assessment, you will learn where the gaps are in your skillset for that particular career move.I would also encourage you to go to a platform like Udemy and research the top 10–15 courses in the area in which you want to advance your career. Look at the course outlines. Some of the courses also give you the opportunity to do a free trial of part of the course. Doing this will help you determine if that particular course is suited for your career development.Remember, your career development should be in alignment with your vision for your life and not what someone else dictates for you.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (125) You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (126) 3

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    Free Trials and Samples:Many platforms offer free trials or sample lessons. Before committing, take advantage of these to assess the course content, teaching style, and platform usability.Networking Opportunities:Some courses provide networking opportunities with peers, instructors, or industry professionals. Building a network can be as valuable as the course content itself.Check for Updates:Ensure that the course content is regularly updated to reflect changes in the industry. Outdated information may not be beneficial for your career growth.


    You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (135) 2


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You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? (2024)


You want to advance your career, but how do you know which online courses are worth your time? ›

Talk to other professionals

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Ultimately, finding the course that's best for you will take some time, but the research will be worth it. Explore exactly what the course covers, what the provider offers, and ensure it's the right fit for you and your circ*mstances.

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The most highly-demanded certification courses are:
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Udemy vs Coursera: Comparing the Facts

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  • Project Management. ...
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  4. English. ...
  5. Marketing. ...
  6. Criminal Justice. ...
  7. Supply Chain Management. ...
  8. Psychology.

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Given below are the top certifications that pay well.
  1. Full Stack Web Development. Full-stack development courses are a great way to get started in programming. ...
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.