How can you learn new skills without sacrificing productivity? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 21, 2024

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Set SMART goals


Plan your learning schedule


Apply your learning


Review and reflect


Balance your workload


Here’s what else to consider

Learning new skills is essential for career development, but it can also be challenging to balance with your current workload and deadlines. How can you acquire new knowledge and abilities without compromising your productivity and performance? Here are some tips to help you learn effectively and efficiently.

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  • Tony Gambill Leadership Development | Executive Coach | Speaker | FORBES Contributor | Author

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1 Set SMART goals

Before you start learning a new skill, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how you will measure your progress. A SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying "I want to learn Python", you could say "I want to complete a Python course and build a web app by the end of the month". This way, you can break down your goal into smaller steps and track your results.

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  • Reserve um tempo específico durante o dia para a aprendizagem, seja no início ou no final do expediente, para garantir que não interfira nas tarefas prioritárias. Além disso, é importante definir metas claras e realistas para o aprendizado, priorizando as habilidades que têm o maior potencial de impacto no trabalho. Utilizar recursos de aprendizado flexíveis, como cursos online, tutoriais em vídeo e podcasts, permite que você aprenda no seu próprio ritmo e em momentos convenientes. Além disso, buscar oportunidades de aplicar imediatamente o que foi aprendido no trabalho, através de projetos ou tarefas relevantes, ajuda a solidificar o conhecimento e a integrar as novas habilidades à rotina profissional.



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  • Muhammad Umair Khalid Network Officier @ 4B Group | WordPress Developer | Tech Enthusiast

    To learn new skills without sacrificing productivity, prioritize tasks, assign dedicated time for learning, and set clear goals. Use online resources, courses, and tutorials for efficient learning. Implement the #Pomodoro technique to manage time effectively. Seek feedback and practice regularly to keep learning. Additionally, Explore tools like task management apps and online communities for support and accountability.


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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    To set SMART goals:Specific: Define clear and precise objectives.Measurable: Establish criteria to track progress and measure success.Achievable: Ensure goals are realistic and attainable with effort.Relevant: Align goals with your overall objectives and aspirations.Time-bound: Set deadlines or timeframes to create a sense of urgency and accountability.

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  • One technique I've seen particularly effective is to further break down the 'Achievable' component of SMART goals into actionable steps. For instance, if the goal is to complete a Python course and build a web app by the end of the month, creating weekly milestones can provide a more granular path to success. This approach not only clarifies the journey but also allows for adjustments based on progress and feedback, ensuring the learning process is both structured and flexible.

  • Michaela Barton Quality Assurance Manager at Kingston Estate Wines, Chairperson IWAG

    If you identify skills and learning opportunities that align with your long term goals and your interests, automatically you will have more buy in. The skills you are learning will then be more likely to contribute to your career goals and therefore contribute to your overall productivity rather than take away from it. When our time is limited, choosing skills to learn should be strategic. Don't just take any course, or read just any book (or whatever other format may be involved). Choose wisely.

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2 Plan your learning schedule

Once you have your goal, you need to allocate time and resources for your learning. Depending on your preference and availability, you can choose to learn in short bursts or longer sessions, but make sure you are consistent and realistic. You can use tools like calendars, timers, and reminders to help you stick to your schedule and avoid distractions. You can also try to align your learning with your peak energy and focus levels, and avoid learning when you are tired or stressed.

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  • Kanika Mohan Incoming @ Dell | CS @ UMDearborn | 2023 Midwest Student of the Year | 2023 $25,000 Altair Scholarship Recipient | 1 of 3 Michigan Ambition Accelerator Change Makers | Harvard WeCode 2024

    One word: Accountability. It's really easy to neglect goals when you don't have a structured plan. I like to break down my goals into very tiny tasks and reward myself to keep me going. If you tell yourself you're gonna learn a new skill in a very short amount of time, it's going to be very hard unless you keep yourself accountable to learn.My best tips for accountability are:1. Using Google Calendar and turning on reminders2. Finding another person with similar goals3. Having sticky note reminders in my bedroom4. Rewarding myself for completing a daily or weekly goal5. Sharing my progress with others on social media


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  • Tracy Costello, PhD Administrator facilitating MS/PhD/Postdoc professional development; developing inclusive, supportive policy; Exec Coach, Lecturer: career exploration, job search, LinkedIn, Resume, Interview, negotiation, research ethics

    Establishing a goal for learning a new skill is good, but having a timeline and specific steps along the way to achieve it is critical to actually achieving that goal. One method of goal setting that helps you determine all the steps is the "reverse method." If you have a time target for completion, you can work backward from that goal to identify all the steps between today and the future date and pin these milestones to a calendar. Set up these mini milestones so that the broad goal of learning the skill doesn't feel overwhelming!


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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    To plan your learning schedule:Assess your learning goals and objectives.Break down the material into manageable chunks.Allocate specific time slots for learning sessions.Prioritise topics based on importance and difficulty.Set realistic deadlines for completing each section.Incorporate regular review sessions to reinforce learning.Adjust the schedule as needed based on progress and feedback.

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  • An interesting addition to planning your learning schedule could involve leveraging the Pomodoro Technique or similar time management methods. By dedicating specific intervals for focused study followed by short breaks, learners can enhance concentration and retain information more efficiently. Furthermore, integrating learning activities during periods of high mental energy while reserving lower-energy tasks for other times can optimize cognitive performance and make the learning process more enjoyable.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    Planning your learning schedule efficiently optimises skill acquisition without compromising productivity. Start by assessing available time and identifying specific learning objectives. Break down tasks into manageable chunks, allocating dedicated time slots for each. Prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency. Regularly review and adjust the schedule to maintain flexibility and adaptability.

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3 Apply your learning

One of the best ways to reinforce your learning and test your understanding is to apply your new skill to a real or simulated problem. This can help you retain the information better, identify gaps in your knowledge, and improve your confidence. You can look for opportunities to use your new skill in your current projects, or create your own challenges and experiments. You can also seek feedback from others who have the same or similar skill, and learn from their insights and experiences.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    To apply your learning effectively:Identify real-life scenarios or projects where your newly acquired knowledge can be used.Actively seek opportunities to practice and implement what you've learned.Reflect on how your learning can address challenges or improve processes.Collaborate with others to share knowledge and gain insights.Seek feedback to assess the effectiveness of your application and identify areas for improvement.Continuously refine and adapt your application of learning based on feedback and experience.


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  • To augment the application of new skills, it might be beneficial to engage in peer learning sessions or communities of practice. This collaborative approach not only allows for the application of skills in a variety of contexts but also encourages the sharing of perspectives and techniques among learners. Such interactions can uncover novel applications of the skill and foster a supportive environment for experimentation and growth.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    Applying your learning effectively enhances skill development while sustaining productivity. Begin by identifying practical opportunities to utilise newly acquired knowledge or skills. Engage in hands-on practice or real-life scenarios to reinforce learning. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to evaluate progress and refine techniques. Continuously integrate new learning into daily tasks to solidify understanding and foster growth.

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4 Review and reflect

Another important aspect of learning is to review and reflect on what you have learned and how you have applied it. This can help you consolidate your memory, evaluate your performance, and identify areas for improvement. You can use tools like notes, flashcards, quizzes, and summaries to help you review the key concepts and facts. You can also use methods like journals, blogs, podcasts, or videos to help you reflect on your learning process and outcomes.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    Review and reflect on your learning by:Summarising key concepts or skills acquired.Assessing your progress and identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement.Reflecting on how the learning has impacted your understanding or approach.Considering how you can apply what you've learned in different contexts or scenarios.Setting new learning goals based on your reflection and review process.


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  • Adding a peer review component to the reflection process can provide valuable external feedback on one's learning journey. By sharing insights and progress with a trusted colleague or mentor, learners can gain new perspectives on their development, uncover blind spots in their understanding, and refine their approach to learning. This collaborative reflection can deepen the learning experience and foster a culture of continuous improvement and shared success.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    Reviewing and reflecting on your learning is essential for skill enhancement without sacrificing productivity. Regularly set aside time to evaluate your progress and identify areas for improvement. Reflect on your successes and challenges, considering what worked well and what didn't. Analyse the effectiveness of different learning strategies and adjust accordingly. Use feedback from peers or mentors to gain valuable insights. Document your reflections to track your growth and inform future learning strategies.

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5 Balance your workload

Finally, you need to balance your learning with your other tasks and responsibilities. You don't want to neglect your current work or burn out from overloading yourself. You can use techniques like prioritization, delegation, automation, and collaboration to help you manage your workload and optimize your productivity. You can also communicate with your manager, colleagues, and clients about your learning goals and expectations, and seek their support and flexibility.

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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    To balance your workload effectively:Prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance.Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps.Allocate specific time slots for each task or activity.Use productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused.Delegate tasks when possible to lighten your load.Regularly review and adjust your schedule to ensure balance and avoid burnout.Remember to schedule breaks and downtime to recharge.


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  • Incorporating mindfulness and well-being practices into the balancing act between learning and workload can significantly enhance productivity and prevent burnout. Techniques such as meditation, exercise, and proper nutrition not only support overall health but also improve mental clarity, resilience, and focus. By making these practices a part of one's routine, learners can maintain a sustainable pace of learning and working, ensuring long-term success and well-being.


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  • Liz Sebag-Montefiore #15 Most Influential U.K. HR Thinker 2022 | Career Coach | Executive Coach | Employee Engagement Specialist

    Balancing your workload effectively supports skill development while maintaining productivity. Start by prioritising tasks based on urgency and importance. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Allocate specific time slots for each task, considering your energy levels and peak performance times. Regularly reassess your workload and adjust priorities as needed. Delegate tasks when possible and practise effective time management techniques to optimise productivity.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Tony Gambill Leadership Development | Executive Coach | Speaker | FORBES Contributor | Author

    Seeking feedback to accelerate your development and growth.The most sustainable long-term competitive advantage for an employee is the ability to learn more quickly than their peers. Receiving feedback is essential to establishing this advantage but receiving accurate and honest feedback can be an elusive goal.We all understand that giving and receiving feedback is hard. Research shows that people feel equally anxious about offering feedback as they do when they are receiving feedback, which helps to explain why so few people provide others with needed constructive feedback.4 Practices to Receive More Feedback:1) Be Specific With Feedback Requests2) Ask For Feedback Often3) Avoid Defensiveness4) Say "Thank You"


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How can you learn new skills without sacrificing productivity? (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.