What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 21, 2024

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Learning new skills outside of work can be rewarding, fun, and beneficial for your personal and professional growth. Whether you want to explore a new hobby, improve your existing abilities, or prepare for a career change, there are many ways to learn new skills outside of work. Here are some of the best ways to do it, along with some tips and resources to help you along the way.

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  • Ananda de Jager Head of Digital Influence, Kingfluencers | Author | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Future of Digital…

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  • Kavita Pasricha ✨ Storyteller | Helping You Craft Your Tale | Uncovering Life Lessons | Finance Buff

    What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (7) What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (8) 2

What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (9) What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (10) What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (11)

1 Online courses

Online courses are one of the most convenient and accessible ways to learn new skills outside of work. You can choose from a wide range of topics, levels, and formats, and learn at your own pace and schedule. Online courses can also provide you with feedback, certificates, and community support. Some of the most popular platforms for online courses include Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, and edX.

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  • Personally, I am a big fan of extending my skills through online courses, webinars, seminars, workshops and more. While not always free, online courses can help you improve the skills you wish to improve, and the benefit is often that people who have previously done the course provide reviews. A platform like LinkedIn learning also offers you the option to immediately add your certificate to your profile.


    What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (20) 1

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  • In todays world we have a vast range of options to learn through online courses.The Internet offers a wealth of resources for learning virtually any skill. Most of these courses are self paced allowing you to learn at your own convenience.


    What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (29) 1

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  • Clark Masterson, MS, MA I help busy professionals build skills and systems to become leaders others want to follow | Ex-Microsoft

    Education does not stop after you leave school. It really only begins. With online courses you can get hyper-specific on what you want to learn. You can search on different learning platforms, as well as with course creators.Great courses show you how to learn by doing. Books are awesome, but courses are like applied versions of books.

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  • Kavita Pasricha ✨ Storyteller | Helping You Craft Your Tale | Uncovering Life Lessons | Finance Buff

    In the times of remote work - learning optimal when online too.One can share from a plethora of platforms - there are institutes as well as freelancing individuals offering soft skills training.Weigh in with time required and the spend.

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2 Books and podcasts

Books and podcasts are another great way to learn new skills outside of work. They can offer you valuable insights, stories, and advice from experts, authors, and influencers in various fields. You can also find books and podcasts that cater to your specific interests, goals, and learning styles. Some of the best ways to find books and podcasts are to browse online reviews, recommendations, and ratings, or to ask your friends, family, and colleagues.

  • I agree with the methods outlined in the article and wish to highlight one fundamental trait essential for learning: curiosity. To anyone reading this comment and seeking ways to learn, allow yourself to be genuinely curious, like a child. When we embrace this childlike curiosity, we see everything with fresh eyes, learn more quickly, and focus on understanding rather than merely memorizing for a promotion. Genuine curiosity transforms us into lifelong learners, equally devoted to discovering ourselves as we are to exploring our interests.


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  • During my daily walks, I always make sure to tune into a podcast with a topic I like to learn more about, ideally with some different points of views. There are many free resources out there, so find wether reading or listening works for you, and get recommendations from others!


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  • Books remain one of the most powerful tools for learning and personal growth. Whether one prefers paperbacks or ebooks, there is a vast selection of books available.Look for titles authored by experts in the desired field and the reviews for each book.


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  • Kavita Pasricha ✨ Storyteller | Helping You Craft Your Tale | Uncovering Life Lessons | Finance Buff

    I used to read a lot of fiction however in order to train the mind for the things and life lessons not available "over Google" - one must read a combination of fiction/non and subscribe to podcasts per their areas of interests.


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  • Clark Masterson, MS, MA I help busy professionals build skills and systems to become leaders others want to follow | Ex-Microsoft

    Books and podcasts are some of the quickest ways to access information. Low barrier to entry, easily accessible... you can quickly consume information.Be careful here... if you learn without applying, you are not really learning. You are consuming information, but learning comes with the application of that information.

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3 Projects and challenges

Projects and challenges are a fun and effective way to learn new skills outside of work. They can help you apply your knowledge, test your abilities, and overcome obstacles. You can also use projects and challenges to showcase your skills, build your portfolio, and network with other learners. Some of the best ways to find projects and challenges are to join online communities, platforms, and competitions, or to create your own.

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  • Kavita Pasricha ✨ Storyteller | Helping You Craft Your Tale | Uncovering Life Lessons | Finance Buff

    For the last close to 8 years - my roles have required me to support projects, both to support BAU as well as transformation.It brings an interest dynamic to an otherwise static set of roles and responsibilities.


    What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (98) What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (99) 2

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  • Clark Masterson, MS, MA I help busy professionals build skills and systems to become leaders others want to follow | Ex-Microsoft

    Learning by doing is really the only way people learn. One of the best ways to accelerate learning is by creating a project and learning as you go. You will feel the struggle of not-knowing. Savor that struggle as it is the fertilizer for skill acquisition. Here are some steps that will help:- Figure out what you want to create- List the things you will need to learn to start- Then start- as you run into new knowledge gaps, make note of them.- when needed, fill the knowledge gap and apply your learning ASAP- repeat until you are done


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  • The best way to learn new skills is to put them into practice and learn by doing! You can have all the theory, but if you don't test what you learned, how do you know if you are improving?While it can be challenging in the beginning, like learning a new language, you will feel accomplished when you achieve your goal.


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  • Arnold Priadi Bolang Coach, Fasilitator, and Trainer 🔖Certified Executive Coach 🔖Certified E.I. Practitioner 🔖Certified Master Practitioner NNLP

    One thing I've found helpful is by actively participating in hands-on activities, learners are fully engaged in the learning process. This active engagement enhances motivation, interest, and retention of information.

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4 Mentors and coaches

Mentors and coaches are a valuable way to learn new skills outside of work. They can provide you with guidance, feedback, and support, as well as help you set and achieve your learning goals. You can also learn from their experience, expertise, and network. Some of the best ways to find mentors and coaches are to reach out to your existing contacts, join online platforms and programs, or hire a professional.

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  • Surrounding yourself with individuals who possess the skills you wish to acquire can be very beneficial.Seek out mentors and coaches related to your area of interest.Engaging with experienced professionals will open doors to new opportunities for learning and growth.


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  • I personally love working with coaches. Keeping you accountable and often providing guidance and exercises, coaches can be a great way to accelerate your learning and adopt new skills faster. By working with someone who has the skills you want to possess, I believe you can learn the skills faster, learn from their mistakes, and have someone on your side that understands the journey.

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  • Bethy Oliveira Mentora de Mulheres | Palestrante | Ajudo mulheres que desejam transformar seu conhecimento em fonte de renda | Mãe solo

    Acredito que todo profissional, inclusive indico. Deve ter um mentor, pois ajudar a alinhar o seu olhar para determinado assunto ou conteúdo. Deixa o caminho mais flúido para a conquista dos objetivos.


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5 Volunteering and freelancing

Volunteering and freelancing are a rewarding and practical way to learn new skills outside of work. They can help you gain hands-on experience, contribute to a cause, and earn some income. You can also use volunteering and freelancing to explore new fields, industries, and roles, and to enhance your resume and reputation. Some of the best ways to find volunteering and freelancing opportunities are to search online platforms and websites, or to offer your services to your network.

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6 Learning groups and clubs

Learning groups and clubs are a social and collaborative way to learn new skills outside of work. They can help you connect with other learners, share your ideas and progress, and motivate each other. You can also use learning groups and clubs to expand your network, discover new resources, and have fun. Some of the best ways to find learning groups and clubs are to join online forums, groups, and events, or to start your own.

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  • Look for local or virtual workshops, seminars, and meetups that focus on your areas of interest. These can provide hands-on experience and networking opportunities.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Stop wishing, start doing! The best way to learn a new skill is to try and apply it every day, no matter how small. Small actions lead up to big results :)


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  • Marie Vandoorne Obsessed with personal growth and productivity │ Figuring it out while writing ✍️ │ Freelance Product Manager

    All the above-mentioned activities are amazing options for learning a new skill, but the best way and only way to truly master a skill is to start taking action and improving every day. Sure, reading books, following online courses and listening to podcasts can help, but be mindful not to fall into the trap of toxic productivity (where you are taking in information about a skill but are not practising the skill). I started writing online 1 year ago, and since then, I've learned and improved immensely. But that's because I'm doing the writing and not reading about how to do the writing.


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  • Yentl Klabbers Gz-psycholoog in opleiding tot specialist (klinisch psycholoog) en supervisor VGCt® bij GGNet

    Deze aanvulling komt misschien een beetje apart over vergeleken met de vorige tips in dit artikel, maar mijn grootste leerschool in emotieregulatie, conflicthantering, communicatie, geduld, doorzettingsvermogen, empathische en mediation is het ouderschap. Niks leerde mij preciezer overwegen wat de beste formulering van een verzoek is dan de kans dat een gerecht waar ik 1,5 uur over heb gezwoegd door een peuter die ik net heb gewassen op een vloer wordt gesmeten die ik net heb gedweild.


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  • Fokko van der Woude Provides training to improve memory, learn faster and perform better

    What helped me immense is to learn how to learn first. Mastering the superskill of learning enables you to learn anything faster and better for the rest of your life. It gave me more confidence and lowered the bar to get started and follow through with learning new things. Remembering more of what you learned helps to connect the dots on anything new you learn. If you want to get started, start with this.

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  • Daniel Pack Career Exploration Specialist @ Syracuse University | Master of Science, Student Affairs Counseling

    I think you need to find the best method of learning for yourself, no matter what that may be. More important than the "how" you learn is the "why." Knowing why you're learning can drive you to consistently push yourself.

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Personal Development What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (201)

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What are the best ways to learn new skills outside of work? (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6312

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.