Why you should stop lollygagging and start writing (2024)

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MoeDantes cuter, cuddlier Edmond from the Land of Classics Since: Nov, 2010

cuter, cuddlier Edmond

#1: Feb 22nd 2011 at 5:01:41 PM

Just something I wanted to share with ya'll:

If you don't do it, someone else will.

True story: As a teenager (in about 1995 or so), I came up with an idea for a character whose power was that he could open magic portals from one place to another. I had a story for him and everything. But I sat on it, and never really did anything besides dream up ideas.

Now I kinda want to tell his story, but there's a problem: Valve created a little game called Portal, and I can already tell you that every person in the world will read the character and believe I was inspired by Valve's game (which I have, in fact, never played).

And this in general is a problem. Ideas that seem fresh now will be passe in ten, maybe even five, years. I remember a time when poking fun at cliches and genre conventions was actually clever and unique, but now, it would actually be more original not to do that. So you better hurry up and get your ideas out there before they go stale.

Those of you who are just blandly ripping off your favorite anime or book can take your time, of course, but the rest of you, hustle!

Just thought I'd share that. Ja.

visit my blog!

Edmania o hai from under a pile of erasers Since: Apr, 2010

o hai

#2: Feb 22nd 2011 at 5:21:29 PM

Won't someone "steal your idea" and "take credit for originality" if you don't do something like publish it/put it up as fanfiction/whatever place people will actually bother to see it?

If people learned from their mistakes, there wouldn't be this thing called bad habits.

melloncollie Since: Feb, 2012

#3: Feb 22nd 2011 at 5:22:30 PM

I have the opposite problem. I hate you Alan Moore.

Anaheyla Since: Jan, 2001

#4: Feb 22nd 2011 at 5:32:06 PM

Easier said than done.

This is still a signature.

MrAHR Ahr river from ಠ_ಠ Since: Oct, 2010 Relationship Status: A co*ckroach, nothing can kill it.

Ahr river

#5: Feb 22nd 2011 at 5:39:59 PM

Meh. :/

Who cares? You can use the exact same tropes and STILL write it completely differently...

Read my stories!

Edmania o hai from under a pile of erasers Since: Apr, 2010

o hai

#6: Feb 22nd 2011 at 6:51:36 PM

...also, I doubt Portal had the first use of portals.

If people learned from their mistakes, there wouldn't be this thing called bad habits.

Carbonpillow Writer Since: Jul, 2010

#7: Feb 22nd 2011 at 6:57:23 PM

Everybody's had this before, where they had an idea and then someone else comes out with something similar, and they say to themselves "sh*t! That should be me with all the money, and sexy cars and fast women. If only I haven't been sitting on my bum eating cheetos and playing halo." So get writing.

The Blood God's design consultant.

deathjavu This foreboding is fa... from The internet, obviously Since: Feb, 2010

This foreboding is fa...

#8: Feb 22nd 2011 at 7:57:02 PM

I'd say you should get writing because it's never going to get written otherwise.

Seriously, far too many people seem to think the inspiration fairy is just going to pay them a visit and there'll be a completed copy under their pillow in the morning.

Or at least that they'll just write it all in one day, when inspiration strikes.

Which is equally ridiculous.

Look, you can't make me speak in a logical, coherent, intelligent bananna.

Morven Nemesis from Seattle, WA, USA Since: Jan, 2001


#9: Feb 22nd 2011 at 8:40:49 PM

My inspiration fairy — or, rather, inspiration goddess — tells me that I have everything I need except sufficient application of effort. I agree.

A brighter future for a darker age.

LoniJay from Australia Since: Dec, 2009 Relationship Status: Pining for the fjords

#10: Feb 22nd 2011 at 11:21:55 PM

I had this with an idea. I had a neat magic system for my healers worked out, and then I read some unpublished but awesome writing that had the same sort of mechanic. Oh well.

Be not afraid...

animemetalhead Runs on Awesomeness from Ashwood Landing, ME Since: Apr, 2010

Runs on Awesomeness

#11: Feb 22nd 2011 at 11:48:12 PM

Why you should stop lollygagging and start writing (12)Magic systems tend to borrow from each other a bit anyways. My main magic system is basically from Mahou Sensei Negima without the activation keys, with some additional magic users based off of Harry Potter and Naruto.

No one believes me when I say angels can turn their panties into guns.

Morven Nemesis from Seattle, WA, USA Since: Jan, 2001


#12: Feb 23rd 2011 at 1:19:41 AM

Originality is overrated. The most unoriginal idea can be a great novel if it does it well.

A brighter future for a darker age.

MoeDantes cuter, cuddlier Edmond from the Land of Classics Since: Nov, 2010

cuter, cuddlier Edmond

#13: Feb 23rd 2011 at 1:53:39 AM

Why you should stop lollygagging and start writing (15)Which is dangerously self-destructive thinking.

"Hey, this other guy had the same idea as me, but he did it far better. So why should I even bother?"

Not to mention, "doing it well" is such a generic goal that its a virtually meaningless one. It's sort of like the old adage "it's not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game." The adage ultimately rings hollow because the only objective merit by which you have to judge "how you play" is your victory stats, so it goes against all rational thinking to believe you can "play well" and still lose the majority of games.

Yes, an idea can still be good even if its been used before, but its hard to see value in a work that doesn't bring something different to the table.

The upswing is that its not really that hard to be different, either. Both Saint Seiya and Ronin Warriors are about guys with magical suits of armor, and have some recognizable similarities right off the bat, but Ronin Warriors quickly evolves into something that has basically nothing in common with Saint Seiya besides the armor concept, thus both are worth watching (by contrast though, there's not much reason to watch Challenge of the Gobots if you've already seen The Transformers.)

edited 23rd Feb '11 2:06:11 AM by MoeDantes

visit my blog!

CrystalGlacia from at least we're not detroit (Living Relic)

#14: Feb 23rd 2011 at 7:29:21 AM

God, I have to start writing somehow. I have all sorts of ideas and a ginormous character sheet longer than at least half the tropes on this wiki (I just counted; about 18,700 words that I wrote). But my plot isn't detailed enough to carry them all.

And before I know it, someone come up with my idea and use it before me.

edited 23rd Feb '11 7:29:35 AM by CrystalGlacia

"Jack, you have debauched my sloth."

MrAHR Ahr river from ಠ_ಠ Since: Oct, 2010 Relationship Status: A co*ckroach, nothing can kill it.

Ahr river

#15: Feb 23rd 2011 at 7:59:32 AM

I write. Slowly but surely, I write. Right now, I have 45 pages completed. That doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a better start than I ever had.

Read my stories!

Ettina Since: Apr, 2009

#16: Feb 23rd 2011 at 8:38:20 AM

"Seriously, far too many people seem to think the inspiration fairy is just going to pay them a visit and there'll be a completed copy under their pillow in the morning.

Or at least that they'll just write it all in one day, when inspiration strikes."

I've learnt that this is mostly true for me. The flipside? If I'm not inspired, I can't write the thing, even if I have it all planned out. I've done a lot of work to figure out how to set off my inspiration, because that's the only way I can write.

If I'm asking for advice on a story idea, don't tell me it can't be done.

Morven Nemesis from Seattle, WA, USA Since: Jan, 2001


#17: Feb 23rd 2011 at 10:09:30 AM

@Moe Dantes: I think you're missing the point, in that much successful fiction isn't all that original in broad concept, especially not in its component parts. Thus, I think, beginning writers are making a mistake in rating originality so high in their priorities, and I think it comes from insecurity — if their fiction isn't like others, it's harder to compare it, and it's an easier metric than others.

The vast majority of readers won't care one bit if your magic system is a bit like others', for instance.

A brighter future for a darker age.

EldritchBlueRose The Puzzler from A Really Red Room Since: Apr, 2010

The Puzzler

#18: Feb 23rd 2011 at 10:24:47 AM

Has anyone thought that maybe great minds think alike? If two people come up with the exact same recipe for cornbread on their own, are they copying each other? Does this mean that they can't use that recipe of cornbread?

Has ADD, plays World of Tanks, thinks up crazy ideas like children making spaceships for Hitler. Occasionally writes them down.

RalphCrown Short Hair from Next Door to Nowhere Since: Oct, 2010

Short Hair

#19: Feb 23rd 2011 at 12:45:07 PM

Look at it this way. If someone has the same idea you have, but they don't have the time or energy or inspiration to sit down and put it on paper, then that cuts down on your competition.

Or look at it this way. The odds are pretty good that you'll never become a full-time writer, so there's no pressure. Writing is just a hobby for most of us.

Or look at it this way. If someone "stole" your idea, you've still gotten some good practice. You'll be that much more prepared when the next idea strikes.

Under World. It rocks!

Morven Nemesis from Seattle, WA, USA Since: Jan, 2001


#20: Feb 23rd 2011 at 1:01:07 PM

I think the very site we're on exists to document that fiction largely consists of a shared body of ideas, rather than uniqueness. And that that's OK.

A brighter future for a darker age.

Theram A travelling scholar Since: Jan, 2011

A travelling scholar

#21: Feb 23rd 2011 at 3:34:26 PM

''Traveling'' works exactly like portals and predates both you AND the game.Not that it's a big deal.On the other hand, Brandon Sanderson has written something that I wanted to write (and even included a completely out-of-place monologoue about originality just to taunt me about he I'll NEVR be able to sue him for Telepathy-aided copyright infringementWhy you should stop lollygagging and start writing (24)), but I believe that this actually will help mature the idea.

edited 23rd Feb '11 3:35:25 PM by Theram

Vyctornian Toph-Nata from City of Adventure Since: Feb, 2011


#22: Feb 24th 2011 at 3:16:41 AM

I have this problem with some people I know the first group is the "I never wrote my idea down, and now X is famous off something I thought of first."

To which I usually reply "You realize someone problem though of it 20 years before you, and finished it and failed to get in anywhere, right?"

The other group is I had an idea but X did it first so I'm going to give up. I had a plot which was very much like Never Where by Neil Gaimen even though I'd never read Never Where ( I still haven't) . To which I replied. "f*ck him, I'll write a better book , and compare stories after I'm finished."

On a side note:

"you've heard of Portal right?""Isn't that that game where you only have a wand of Dimension Door? "

edited 24th Feb '11 3:24:34 AM by Vyctornian

"Every anime character is bisexual until proven otherwise." - A comment a found on youtube.

MoeDantes cuter, cuddlier Edmond from the Land of Classics Since: Nov, 2010

cuter, cuddlier Edmond

#23: Feb 24th 2011 at 3:24:08 AM

See, this is all kinda beside the point though.

The point is, I see a lot of people who are asking for criticism, asking questions about their concepts etc. And, I know from experience: This is you making an excuse not to write.

I was hoping to kick a few people out of that, by showing them "look, if you don't do it, someone else will."

Hopefully I've succeeded with at least one reader.

visit my blog!

MrAHR Ahr river from ಠ_ಠ Since: Oct, 2010 Relationship Status: A co*ckroach, nothing can kill it.

Ahr river

#24: Feb 24th 2011 at 3:24:49 AM

I dunno, if Avatar has shown us anything, no matter how many people have done it, you can too.Why you should stop lollygagging and start writing (28)

Read my stories!

Vyctornian Toph-Nata from City of Adventure Since: Feb, 2011


#25: Feb 24th 2011 at 3:26:07 AM

The point is, I see a lot of people who are asking for criticism, asking questions about their concepts etc. And, I know from experience: This is you making an excuse not to write. - Moe Dantes

No, this is people asking for assistance so they don't get lost in Sturgeon's Law and try to publish crap they never vented. Seriously if you do nothing but writing you will never build up a good base, good books and stories aren't written over night House Of Leaves took 10 years to write.

It's good to create a base, get critique, maybe get a beta-reader/ pre-reader or two. That way once you do have everything set you'll be able to make sure it isn't crap.

Like I've said before all Portal is, is one Dn D spell given it's own game.

http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Dimension_DoorWhy you should stop lollygagging and start writing (30)

edited 24th Feb '11 3:43:05 AM by Vyctornian

"Every anime character is bisexual until proven otherwise." - A comment a found on youtube.


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Why you should stop lollygagging and start writing (2024)


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